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I am an South African artist who makes large scale paintings in cadence with the dalliance and dawdling of language. To push and play with the boundaries of their emotive forces.   

About Me: Bio

Artist Statement 


 A transgressional endeavor. In aim to coincide, regression to the nonsensical. An inferred impression to conform to alleviation, through the exoneration. The surrendering of what makes man, man. The notion that technological advancements impair man’s lateral relationship with the natural is something that is currently being put on stake. The lateral relationship of man and technology is something rather native to us. The only means to evolve into what we are now, is with the aid of instruments we create, which we further label as ‘artificial’. They only way to even reach a point in which we may contemplate about such concepts, is though the growth we gain from utilizing tools, to expand our perception. We are who we are because of how we have done it until now. Man is a tool maker, always has been and always will be. Thus, he is the ‘artificial’ and can only be himself through the ‘artificial’. Further, undermining the referral bearing a direct connection to nature. The dogma that there remains a flaw, a deficient, to which we cannot yield, as it is not in our nature.

About Me: Text
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